Spring has sprung and New York City is abloom with the heady scent of blossoms, a contagious Springtime joy and a slightly intoxicating spirit of optimism. Either a family celebration, a Spiritual obligation, or both await you shortly. Thus, even the tax squad at Gavrilov and Company Accounting are feeling a little giddy and spring feverish.
Spring Makes Us Bloom Anew

Please permit us to send you our spring greetings and a warm message of appreciation. You see, working with all of our friends, clients and supporters has caused our business to bloom with gratitude.
Appreciation Comes Your Way
So, in the spirit of the peace and joy of a holiday, we want to thank you for your loyalty and trust. We even have a little poem just for you.

Spring Time Appreciation Poem for You
“The world’s a better place because of folk like you
Who take the time to do nice things–The way you always do.
Thank you so muchly! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
As always, you played a magnificent part.
That’s why we want to thank you–From the bottom of our heart.”
We hope this coming holiday weekend can give you time to enjoy the riches of family life, the joy of togetherness and the unity of whatever traditions you honor.
And Now — Fun With Numbers: A Little Report on your Holiday Expenses.
Soon family and friends will meet, greet and feast. The parks of NYC will fill with children hunting hidden eggs. And Americans will eat an amazing amount of chocolate and other unique holiday foods.
And as you might guess, we are fascinated with the numbers and statistics generated by the holiday activities. For example, it boggles the mind that there will be 16 billion jelly beans consumed over the course of the next few days.
And did you know that America produces 91.4 billion chocolate Easter eggs and 90 million chocolate bunnies every year?
Spring Statistics Prove Numbers are Fun
As you might have guessed, Gavrilov and Company Accounting is taking a light-hearted approach to this numerical report. And we were surprised by the research we found. Some of us have even laughed right aloud.
We hope it gives you a springtime smile.
(By the way, take this note as a reminder that the deadline clock is ticking. Please check our previous blog for important tax-filing information.)
Adding Up the Numbers Behind Your Spring Holiday
According to CNBC, “in the week before Easter last year, Americans bought $823 million in creme-filled

eggs, chocolate rabbits and colored marshmallow Peeps…” That amount of money actually conquered the Halloween totals. (But remember people buy Halloween candy for total strangers who appear at their doors. On the other hand, springtime candy is bought for friends and relatives.)
The Candy Crisis
In the final tally, we expect to see146 million pounds of candy for the entire country.
Just for comparison, an average candy bill in an ordinary week is 3 million bucks.
So, 823 million dollars makes the coming weekend very special.
The Spring Wardrobe Wonders
The special festival means new clothes for many Americans. So there will be more than candy and baskets to account for when you total up the bills for the holiday.
Thus, the National Retail Federation’s Easter Spending Survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, reported, “the average person celebrating Easter spent $140.62 in 2015 and $137.46 in 2014.”
Totaling the Cost of Spring Celebration
Now, let’s add up the entire ticket.
American Retail Association predicts the nation will hit $16.4 billion dollars. We believe that this would qualify as a national spring spending spree.
We Interrupt This Spring Report For A Red-Hot Tax Alert from the IRS

Once again, only a few days ago, the IRS warned those taxpayers who buy, sell or “mine” crypto-currency to figure, file, and pay their taxes. For more details see out previous blog
Penalties, interest and audits await you if you neglect your crypto-duties to Uncle Sam. And then—it goes from bad to worst:
“Criminal charges could include tax evasion and filing a false tax return. Anyone convicted of tax evasion is subject to a prison term of up to five years and a fine of up to $250,000.
Anyone convicted of filing a false return is subject to a prison term of up to three years and a fine of up to $250,000.”
The Wrap-up: A Terrific Treat for Spring
Finally, with a sincere hope for your happiest holiday, we end with one last statistic to enhance your holiday mood:

With a laugh factor of 10 on a scale of 1 to 10: Are you aware that 89% of all the Americans who eat a chocolate bunny will bite the ears off first? Happy Spring!