New Services in accounting and personal finance are under holiday wrapping here at Gavrilov & Co Accounting. For several months we have been preparing new areas of financial guidance and financial education. These services are sure to fit your business and personal needs as we transcend into 2021.
New Services and Style Coming Your Way: Beyond Our Luxurious New Brand

Likewise, we’ve been streamlining and upgrading our style. We can hardly wait for you to see our new look—but, as we said, we are keeping much of it under wraps for the holidays. We can tell you that soon you will see the changes are more than superficial designs.
Our new financial tools from the accounting industry will help entrepreneurs, medical professionals and corporations attain financial independence. Tax-planning, investments and insurance, business advice, and estate planning are all part of your fiscal life. However, they are just the tip of the iceberg. Our tax squad, executive accountants, and business advisers have discovered new approaches designed towards financial independence.
A New Time for Trust
You have known and trusted our authority in the fiscal world for a quarter of the century. During that time we have constantly enhanced our education to bring you optimal ways to monetize your life so you can enjoy it.
You know by now that we are not your average see-up-once-a-year tax accountants. In 2021 we plan to bring you many new paths to your financial freedom.
Beyond that, you will find ways to build a lasting legacy as you work with us to grow a new financial understanding of your own money.
Are Kidding? DIY Financial Independence for Doctors? No Kidding–Our New Services Help You Achieve It

You will learn that money-knowledge does not intrinsically have to stay in the hands of today’s so-called financial pundits. Certainly, most traditional financial planners consider DYI forbidden words for personal finances. However, we believe learning to manage your personal financial life is empowering.
Doctors and entrepreneurs can master Do-It-Yourself lessons in personal finance, with us as your mentors. With our guidance, you can secure a successful business and lifestyle. These lessons are not brain surgery. Trust is an investment, like time and money, and as you build it with Gavrilov & Co, and within yourself, you will build a lasting legacy.
How to Invent, Invest, and Ensure Your Financial Independence
In founder Rudy Gavrilov’s own words, “We have a team that will bring your dreams to fruition.”
As we approach the holiday season of giving, imagine three golden-wrapped holiday gift-boxes. One is marked “invent.” Another one is marked “invest.” And, the last one is tagged “insure.” Each elegant “box” will figure largely in our new image:
- Invent: Likewise, whether you need business planning or personal finance education, Gavrilov & Co has brought all the services you need under one roof.
- Invest: Be assured, “With us, you will have a team of experts who will “invent a customized strategy for your financial success.”
We don’t force it. We don’t force trust. (It must be earned.) However, as trust grows, Gavrilov & Co can help you to grow a team around you.
Growing a team and your own self-confidence is a customized process. Sometimes growing trust moves quickly. More often, it grows gradually and meticulously. “Your trusted team here at Gavrilov & Co will help support your goals and manage your finances.”
- Insure: Put simply, Gavrilov & Co can also help you secure a way to “protect your dreams—and wealth, for years (and generations) to come.”
However, remember we marked these three gold-packaged and newly branded gifts for you. “Do not open until the New Year.”
- Then we will reveal their secrets to you—Get ready, doctors, and entrepreneurs. You can learn to think outside the box of high priced financial pundits.
A Few Peeks at the Secrets inside the Golden Gift-Boxes of -our New Services

In 2021—Prepare to learn how you can empower yourself with new financial FIRE.
1. Discover many strategies and life-time plans on how to Become Financially Independent and Retire Early. This is a concept, developed by the anesthesiologist, family man, and writer, known as Milo Anderson, the Physician On Fire. (What works for physicians can work for fired-up entrepreneurs and professional business owners too.)
2. Learn what to do when your income becomes your enemy. Furthermore, if you develop a thriving business, it can! (Many professionals never learn.)
However, if you just can’t wait, give us a call or send us an email. There’s just no telling what you might learn a little early.